Here at Surface Technik one of our main strengths is our flexibility.
Our Dudley site is set up to deal with large quantities of structural steelwork, but also has the facilities to deal with the more specialist fabrications, which often require a larger handling capacity.
Surface area: 40,000 sq ft
External secure storage yard: 60,000 sq ft
Trailer capacity: 6
Lifting capacity: 7 overhead cranes SWL 5-15 tonnes.
Maximum handling size: 25mtr long x 5mtr wide x 5mtr high.
Forklift: 5 tonne.
- Multi wheel automatic section cleaners.
- Self recovery shot blasting rooms.
- Dedicated non metallic blasting rooms.
- Latest Graco Spray equipment (airless/Convential/air assisted).
- Thermal metal spray equipment and booth.